Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Complaint letters

No, I never update this blog, but I really wanted to post this somewhere . . . it was too good to pass up. Part of my job now entails receiving and replying to complaint letters. They are all pretty ridiculous, but I think this one is a hall of famer:

After putting up with every other nail head coming off and every other screw head stripping, I, my family and friends, and any other person I talk to, will never again buy these piece of shit products of yours. Take these chinese pieces of shit and shove them. I know texans are not true Americans, but I never thought they would stoop so low as to put their name on a product that is so cheap and crappy. Hope you can sleep at night while Americans are looking for jobs and the chinese are laughing their asses off at a bunch of stupid-assed texans. Hope your children grow up being Okies. At least they are American.